Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Liebster Award

Hello everyone!!

I'm finally back after two weeks. I had an unexpected surgery, but I can finally say I'm pain free. Thank you all for your well wishes. I didn't have a post planned for today until I was reading through my comments. I'm extremely excited because the awesome MADforbeauty has nominated me for the Liebster Award. Thank you so much, Maddie!!! So, I guess I'll hop right into things.

Liebster Award Rules:

  • thank the blogger who nominated you
  • answer the questions that they send you
  • nominate up to 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to answer your own set of 11 questions
  • contact them by commenting on a recent post

MADforbeauty's Questions:

1. What inspired you to start blogging?

Being a biomedical engineering and biology double major, I wasn't allowed to take fashion courses even as an elective at any of the colleges I've attended, so I decided to create and follow blogs in order to get my daily fashion fill. :)

2. What is your favorite makeup brand at the moment?
      My skin is super sensitive, so I usually don't wear makeup, but the brands that breaks my skin out the least are Jordana and Pur Minerals.
      3. Natural or smokey eyeshadow?

      Natural. I can never get my smokey eye right. :(

      4. Summer or winter?

      Winter. The summers in Texas are extremely hot. 
      5. Best place you've traveled to?

      San Diego, California

      6. What is your favorite tv show?

Supernatural with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki.

      7. Do you prefer long or short hair?

      Short/shoulder length. My hair products break me out, so I hate for my hair to touch my skin, or I usually just wear it up.

      8. What is your favorite holiday?

      Christmas!! I love spending time with my family and traveling.

      9. Coffee or tea?

      Tea, but I prefer water to both lol

      10. What are you most passionate about?

      Becoming a cosmetic surgeon, so that I can help those with burns and children with cleft palates.
      11. What is your favorite song at the moment?

One Republic- Love Runs Out. I find myself listening to this song on repeat during my KIT workouts.


Jordyn- J Dominique

Maddie- MADforbeauty 

My 11 Questions:

1.How would you describe your style?

2. What inspired you to start blogging?

3. What's your favorite summer trend?

4. What is your dream career?

5. What is your favorite clothing store?

6. What is your favorite way to wear your hair?

7. Do you prefer heels or flats?

8. lip gloss or lipstick?

9. What's one thing you can't live without?

10. What's your favorite movie?

11. Besides where you are now, where is the one place you would love to live?

Thank you all so much for reading, and thanks again to the gorgeous MADforbeauty. I hope you all have a lovely day, and stay tuned for my next post.



  1. Loved reading this! You're welcome :) xx

  2. Congrats Breaya on the awards! Great answers. Glad you're doing better now.

  3. It was lovely getting to know more about you! Xx I've just started a blog of my own and if you're interested you are very welcome to visit. Followers are desperately needed!!! http://xbeyoutifulx.blogspot.co.uk
